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    What is the use of the roller brush for hair loss?
    2018-11-22 07:58:25

      When we use the roller brush, some people will encounter the phenomenon of hair loss. Is there a problem with the quality of the roller brush, or is it caused by incorrect use? Below the roller brush manufacturer wholesale will be a brief introduction.

      Many people think that if the roller brush is the quality problem of the brush, it is not necessarily because of the problem of the brush. It is also necessary to pay attention to the correct method. We should soak it with warm water for a few minutes before using the roller brush. The brush is more supple, and then remove the hand from the water and smash the broken hair, so that there will be no hair loss when using it, and the brush should be done after use. Good cleaning work, otherwise the brush is prone to hardening. After seeing the cherry blossom, the brush is not easy to use, and the effect will have a certain effect. If there is no oily substance to clean, it is more convenient, just use warm water, and finally Is the storage of the brush, try to put it at room temperature, do not expose to the sun.

    Related tags: deck roller,ceiling roller,Pipe roller
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