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    How to deal with the paint brush after the roller brush is used up?
    2018-11-22 08:01:40

      The roller brush should be reusable because it used to be used repeatedly. It doesn't have much effect on the wall or furniture. Just don't repeat it too much. As long as the roller brush is not too old or too bad, it is recommended not to use it. This may affect the effect of the brush, and it is also difficult to brush when brushing.

      After using the roller brush, you can use a thinner to clean the brush, then rinse it with water, just fine.

      Or put the brush in the paint bucket, then seal the bucket, remember to seal it, so you can use it the next day.

      1. Advantages of brushing: Generally speaking, it is best to use the brushing method in the bedroom to paint, that is, to select the paint brush for brushing, which can save cost, and the brushing tool is simple and convenient to construct. However, there are also disadvantages. The brushing speed is relatively slow, and if the operator is not skilled, the brushing will be uneven.

      2, the advantage of roller coating, is a large area of performance brush, improve the efficiency of painting, reduce the workload, save time and manpower than brushing. However, many people do not use the roller coating very often, and the roller coating is more prone to pockmarking.

    Related tags: cheap roller,ceiling bursh,Roller Cover
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