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    The "greenness" of the roller brush coating process
    2018-11-18 10:11:26

      Coatings, which are being used as a lifestyle element, are being strengthened by more and more consumers. After the concept of “green paint” is clearly put forward in the consumer market, the “greenness” of the painting process has also been put forward. Daily history

      Paint roller brushes are currently the most widely used paint tools in both domestic and foreign countries. In comparison, paint brushes and mechanical sprays have obvious advantages in a particular area.

      Paint painting methods are generally divided into manual painting (roller brush and brush) and mechanical spraying.

      The advantages of roller brush compared to mechanical spraying: 1). The roller brush has a large brushing area and is suitable for rolling on the surface of objects with small indoor surface area, and the mechanical spraying has a large pollution area, so it is not suitable for indoor surface area. The surface of the object is carried out, so the manual brushing method is often used. 2). The artistic painting effect of the pattern roller is more and more favored by consumers, and the mechanical spraying is only trying to make the painting effect fast and the area is large. 3). In terms of exquisite craftsmanship, mechanical spraying is far less than roller brushing. The roller brush developed by Beigao is devoted to the smoothness, fineness and pattern of the wall. 4). The price of mechanical spraying is expensive and the quality of the roller brush is one of the main reasons for the consumption of roller brushes. 5). In terms of safety and protection, the roller brush basically has no safety hazards, and mechanical things have always been a distressing puzzle for developers and consumers.

      Brushing defects of the brush and precautions for the roller brush: 1). Leakage phenomenon: The leakage brush occurs mostly at the position of the three-dimensional wall surface and the upper and lower ends of the squeezing strip. The main reason is that the painter does not cooperate well with the brush. Therefore, it is often the case that the door leaf is installed without painting, and the painter can't brush it afterwards. Other leaking brush problems are mainly caused by the operator not serious. 2). Anti-rust phenomenon: generally occurs in steel doors and windows and metal surfaces, etc. The main reasons are as follows: First, the product is painted anti-rust paint before it leaves the factory, and the second is due to transportation and storage. Broken anti-rust paint; Third, steel doors and windows or metal surfaces were not carefully checked before installation, and did not make rust-removing paint and anti-rust paint work. 3). Plunge phenomenon: There are two main reasons: First, because the paint is too thin, the paint film is too thick, the ambient temperature is high, the paint is dry and slow, etc., it is easy to cause falling. Second, due to improper operation sequence and tactics, especially at the edge separation of doors and windows, if the amount of oil is large and the operation is not noticed, it is easy to cause falling. 4). The brushing phenomenon is obvious, mainly because the brush is small or the brush is not foamed, and the brush is hard. Apply a suitable brush and soften the brush with a thinner material. 5). Wrinkle phenomenon: mainly caused by poor paint quality, uneven redemption, fast solvent evaporation or high temperature, plus drier.


      1. Clean the surrounding environment before brushing the oil to prevent dust from flying and affect the quality of the paint.

      2. After each paint is finished, the paint should be prevented from affecting the quality and appearance.

      3. Immediately after brushing the oil, wipe off the paint on the floor and the contaminated wall and hardware.

      4. After the completion of the paint and coating project, a special person shall be assigned to take care of the management and management, and it is forbidden to touch.

    Related tags: deck roller,house brush,Professional roller
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