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    Paint brush wall tips
    2018-11-18 09:50:19

      Paint can be said to be an indispensable material in home decoration. If the wall painting is a brush construction, the result is a flat surface, but if the brushing process is not very good, then the brush marks will be left. In terms of home decoration, wool brush is mainly used, which is soft and can reduce brush marks.

      However, it should be noted that when adding paint, the proportion of water added should be controlled well, between 20% and 30%, and should not exceed 35%. Above this dilution ratio, the powder finish is prone to powder removal, sag and other problems, then the wall surface What is the paint technique?

      1, the material should be prepared, you can choose two sizes of the size of the roller, a wool brush, a stick that can be lengthened, fast sticky powder and so on.

      2. Remove the peeling paint film, then smooth the surface with sandpaper.

      3, be sure to remove the old wallpaper, you can use hot water mixture, soak the wallpaper, then use the scraper paper surface, clean the excess glue with water, and then dry with sandpaper to smooth.

      When the project is being constructed, the home decoration is inseparable from painting. Then the paint should choose the right tool. Generally, there are brush and roller coating. These two painting methods can be said to have different lengths.

      1. Advantages of brushing: Generally speaking, it is best to use the brushing method in the bedroom to paint, that is, to select the paint brush for brushing, which can save cost, and the brushing tool is simple and convenient to construct. However, there are also disadvantages. The brushing speed is relatively slow, and if the operator is not skilled, the brushing will be uneven.

      2, the advantage of roller coating, is a large area of performance brush, improve the efficiency of painting, reduce the workload, save time and manpower than brushing. However, many people do not use the roller coating very often, and the roller coating is more prone to pockmarking.

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